Learning Pathways for research

Learning Pathways is operated by a team of interdisciplinary researchers. The idea for Learning Pathways came about when we realised that, at the scientific conferences we attended, students and researchers in the audience found it difficult to access the references from talks and posters.

For students and researchers who are new to a field, mapping out the literature is a key activity, so reference lists are very valuable. At conference talks, slides are often not given out, so the audience needs to copy down references. Citations such as "Smith 2010" can be difficult to follow.

We built Learning Pathways to make sharing reference lists easy. A speaker can make a learning pathway containing the references from their talk. Papers can be added very easily by searching for their title. We use up-to-the-minute paper search from Semantic Scholar.

The learning pathway can then be easily shared with the audience via its web address, such as learning-pathways.org/pathway/j0x8m4h0q7/faster-than-light-communication.

Learning Pathways offers support for conferences, events and organisations to host private learning pathways and share then with attendees. Contact us on for more information.